Mobile banking history

Did you know that at Finanteq, we made the first banking applications even before the iPhone and Android era? It was a time when there was yet to be anyone who believed in apps. Mobile browsers were still commonly considered the future of banking.

Anna Sorbet
Public transport in banking app

Nowadays, people download more and more mobile applications to fulfill all their needs. Apps are supposed to make life easier and help us to deal with everyday needs. One to order a taxi, another to buy bus tickets, yet another to order food, you name it. In theory, it works great. In practice, the growing number of applications is becoming overwhelming.

Agnieszka Torój

The last two years have been a decisive moment for banks. The global pandemic had a significant impact on the acceleration of digital transformation.

Agnieszka Torój
Pocket Branch on desktop and mobile app

Today, customers prefer to handle all their affairs electronically. Digital channels such as online and mobile banking, are becoming the basic method of customer access to a bank account. People want banking from every place, any time.

Anna Sorbet

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