Individual customers of Bank BGŻ Paribas have received a brand new and modern mobile banking. The application features swift and easy access to accounts, deposits, loans and records of expenses. The development and maintenance of the application have been entrusted to FINANTEQ.

Artur Małek

Customers of Bank Zachodni WBK make about 2 mln transactions monthly through its application. What differentiates its mobile banking app from the competitors are m-commerce services. The newest of them is Cultural Events a service for purchasing theatre, concert, opera, cabaret or festival tickets.

Artur Małek

Due to its rapid growth, Finanteq has opened a new office in Poznań, Poland. The opening of the office is intended to further improve the services offered to our financial clients in the region.

Artur Małek

Incumbent mobile banking vendors have a long relationship with retail banks. Sometimes it originates from a deployment of the bank’s core banking. Nonetheless, as Gartner points out, many of these incumbent providers have failed to keep up with the customer experience and are providing bank with solutions which bank’s customers simply dislike. Solutions that are slow, complex to use and far from expectations.

Artur Małek

Forrester Research evaluated different banks from more than a dozen different countries across four continents and announced, that two Polish banks are in a cluster of financial institutions that lead in mobile.

Artur Małek

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