(09/2015) Finanteq, mobile banking and superwallet enabler, won “Best of Show” award at Finovate in New York City. The prize, also referred as Oscars of financial technology, was awarded to Finanteq for its superwallet – mobile banking app transformed into m-commerce platform.
European Company showed how banks can make their customers’ life easier by adding value to mobile banking.
– Superwallets enable to use functionality of multiple apps without leaving one unified experience – says Dobromir Piekarski, CEO at Finanteq – Users can remotely order and pay for various services and goods for e.g. taxi, parking fees, bus tickets, city bikes, grocery, hotels, trains, cinema and events, takeaway food and many more. All these remote payment services are embedded inside single mobile banking app – superwallet.
Finanteq’s SuperWallet together with m-Commerce Cloud platform is offered as a solution for banks and can be delivered with mobile banking module or integrated with existing banking apps.
– Selling banking products like loans, credits and mortgages does not take place often, thus building close relationships with customers is quite hard. Payments, on the other hand take place frequently, but bank simply doesn’t take part in purchase decisions. Payments are at the far end of the buying process. – says Dobromir Piekarski – Our aim is to move banks from the background to the front of the value chain and move their relationship with the customer to the next level.
SuperWallet already works in the biggest Santander’s bank in Central and Eastern Europe – Bank Zachodni WBK, one of the world’s most innovative banks with globally strong ratings in mobile space.
At the moment Finanteq is preparing to enter American market and for second founding round.